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  • Do you have cloudy vision?
  • Do you have cataract?
  • When do you undergo cataract surgery?

Cataract causes painless blurring vision. Some cataracts may cause glare or haloes. Night driving may become difficult. Frequent eyeglass prescription changes may indicate cataract. Occasionally, double vision in one eye may be due to cataract. These symptoms can be present in other eye problems also, so you need to check with your eye specialist to confirm.

Vitreo Retina

Retina is the light-sensitive layer of tissue located in the back of the eye. Nutrients and oxygen are richly supplied to it by the retinal blood vessels and an underlying network of blood vessels, called Choroid. The choroid gives the characteristic red colour to the retina when examined and also is cause for the red eye defect seen in photographs.

Examining the retina

A retinal examination also called as ophthalmoscopy or funduscopy. It allows the retinal specialist to evaluate the back of your eye, including your retina, optic disk and the underlying layer of blood vessels that nourish the retina (choroid). For a through retinal examination the pupils must be dilated using eye drops. The eyedrops used for dilation cause your pupils to widen, allowing in more light and giving your doctor a better view of the back of your eye.


What is glaucoma ?

Glaucoma is caused by a number of different eye diseases which in most cases produce increased pressure within the eye. This increased pressure is caused by back up of fluid in the eye, which overtime leads to damage to the optic nerve, thus visual loss and blindness.

What are the symptoms of glaucoma ?

There may be no symptoms in early stages, in the more common form, primary open angle glaucoma. As the glaucoma gets worse, you may slowly lose your side vision. In the end stages, straight ahead vision may decrease, until no vision remains. This visual loss is irreversible. In primary angle closure glaucoma, symptoms include blurred vision, haloes around light, eye pain and headache, sometimes associated with nausea and vomiting.


The human eye and Cornea

The human eye is one of the most specialized organs of the body. Like in a camera, the eye too has powerful and specially designed optics - the Cornea & Crystalline lens. These focus the image onto the retina. The Cornea does most of the focusing. It has no blood circulation and breaths oxygen from the air. This wonderful living ’lens’ is optically clear and is the most sensitive part of our body

The layers of the cornea

The epithelium is layer of cells that cover the surface of the cornea. It is only about 5-6 cell layers thick and quickly regenerates when the cornea is injured. If the injury penetrates more deeply into the cornea, it may leave a scar. Scars leave opaque areas, causing the corneal to lose its clarity and luster.

Corneal diseases


Keratoconus is a frequently seen corneal disease, occurring in about 1 in 1000 people, which typically starts after the age of 10 yrs. The hundreds of filaments of collagen layers in normal cornea are linked to each other by cross linking, giving it an enormous strength. If these collagen cross-links are lost, as it happens in Keratoconus, there will be a progressive corneal thinning and stretching. This often occurs in both the eyes. The cornea bulges forward into an irregular cone shape. This causes distortion of the image, which cannot be corrected with glasses. The eye develops irregular astigmatism (cylindrical errors) and myopia [shortsightedness] and the vision would become blurred.